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阅读次数:     发布时间:2018-04-21

陈晨,男,198812月生,江苏淮安人,工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2016年博士毕业于中国科学院电子学研究所,博士毕业后先后在中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所及康涅狄格大学健康中心从事科研工作,2020年加入数理学院物理系。主要研究方向是光学微纳结构的设计与应用,研究对象包括光学超表面、光子晶体和光波导等,先后在Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Optics Letters, Optics Express等国际期刊上发表SCI论文14篇,其中第一/通讯作者10篇,申请发明专利两项。主持科研项目经费逾50万,包括国家自然科学基金青年项目和江苏省自然科学基金青年项目等,参与中科院和科技部的重大仪器开发项目以及国家自然科学基金优青/面上项目。在教学上,主要承担《大学物理》、《纳米电子学》等课程的教学工作。


1. Chen C, Liu ZW, Cai C, Jiang J, Qi ZM; "Facile fabrication of nanoporous gold films for surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensing and SPR-based SERS"; Journal of Materials Chemistry C; 9; 6815-6822; 2021;

2. Chen C, Yu Q, Zhang K; "Graphene enabled dynamic tuning of surface lattice mode for broadband infrared light modulation"; Optical Materials Express; 9(12); 4700-4707; 2019;

3. Wang G, Chen C*, Zhang ZY, Ma GH, Zhang K, Qiu CW; "Dynamically tunable infrared grating based on graphene-enabled phase switching of a split ring resonator "; Optical Materials Express; 9(1); 56-64; 2019;

4. Chen C, Wang G, Zhang ZY, Zhang K; "Dual narrow-band absorber based on metal-insulator-metal configuration for refractive index sensing"; Optics Letters; 43(15); 3630-3633; 2018;

5. Chen C, Wang G, Peng LL, Zhang K; "Highly improved, non-localized field enhancement enabled by hybrid plasmon of crescent resonator/graphene in infrared wavelength"; Optics Express; 25(19); 23302-23311; 2017;

6. Chen C, Qi ZM; "Nanoporous gold films prepared by sputtering-dealloying combination for total internal reflection SERS measurement"; Optical Materials Express; 6(5); 1561-1569; 2016;

7. Chen C, Lu DF, Gao R, Cheng J, Qi ZM; "Surface Raman spectroscopy with and without reverse Kretschmann configuration: Effect of evanescent-wave-coupled emission"; Applied Physics Express; 9(6): 062001; 2016;

8. Chen C, Lu DF, Gao R, Qi ZM; "Analysis of waveguide-coupled directional emission for efficient collection of Fluorescence/Raman light from surface"; Optics Communications; 367: 86-94; 2016;

9. Chen C, Li JY, Wang L, Lu DF, Qi ZM; "Waveguide-coupled directional Raman radiation for surface analysis"; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 17(33): 21278-21287; 2015;

*Email: cchen2020@njtech.edu.cn